Friday, September 15, 2017



            Just like that we are at game #5.  We managed a way through the storm and now it’s game day.  Tonight we go and play Holy Innocents in North Atlanta.  They are good football team that runs the triple option (Georgia Tech’s offense).  We must play great defense.  Great defenses play fast and play with great discipline.  Tonight that will even be more important.  The offense tries and tricks you on who has the ball.  Each man has a job tonight and it is vital each man does there job.  This requires discipline.  Discipline is the key tonight!
            One of our core character principles is steadfast.  It is a word not many people use to describe anyone but I believe it is of the upmost importance.  The Bible uses it a lot and mostly in the Old Testament to describe God.  Steadfast means to be unchanging or unwavering.  I like to think it means to be consistent with an intense focus on excellence.  One of the most valuable traits a young man can show me is that he is steadfast.  If I describe a young man this way it means he shows up every single day with a resolve to get better and improve.  He is a hard worker day in and day out and we can depend him to show up with a winning work ethic daily.  We trust the steadfast person.  We want to put the steadfast person in leadership positions because they are dependable and trustworthy.  It is an important characteristic in any person. 
            This week was chaotic as we all had to deal with the tropical storm Monday and Tuesday.  Not having practice on Monday and asking the kids to come in Tuesday afternoon when there was no school was different for them.  They were off there routine which messes with a young man’s mind.  On top of this the boys have been 100 percent football since July 29th with no breaks during the week.  The key word we talked about Tuesday: Steadfast. 
            I could sense many variables that could be affecting our boys on Tuesday:  1.) The tropical storm and being off schedule; 2.) The boys are now in the 8th week of practice and they could be becoming complacent because they are mentally exhausted; 3.) The boys are 4-0 and they might just start thinking they don’t need to work hard because they are arrogant; 4.)  There is always some other variable I know exists but I don’t know what it is.  So what is the message? Young man: remain steadfast.
            The steadfast man is unwavering.  External circumstances do not affect him.  The creeping softness thought of being mentally exhausted is squashed by the steadfast man.  For he knows he must push through and get better every single day.  The wayward thought: “I am good and I do not need to work hard”is squashed by the steadfast man.  For he knows every single day is an opportunity to improve.  The steadfast man understands that pride comes before the fall.  And in any other situation or circumstance that might be impacting us, we know to remain steadfast in adversity.  The steadfast man trusts in Romans 8:28 and draws strength from what God tells us: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for Good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
             “And you, who were once alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.”  Colossians 1: 21-23

            As we diligently try and teach our young men to be steadfast, we are equipping them with a character trait that is essential in our walk with Jesus Christ.  When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, or let me say it better: when Jesus opens up our eyes to the truth of the Gospel, we have started a life long journey of growing to become than man or woman God has created us to be.  When God calls us he begins to equip us to become men and women who will shine as lights in a twisted and crooked generation.  This pursuit of Christ and growing in Christ in a sin stained world requires a person to be steadfast.  You will find yourself in success and in failure.  You will be happy sometimes and often times frustrated and sad.  You will wake up feeling good some days but often times you won’t feel good.  People will help you and hurt you.  No matter what: remain steadfast by keeping our eyes focused on Jesus Christ.  Do not waiver to external circumstances and to your feelings.  Put on Christ and remain steadfast. 
            Steadfast is a great word: unchanging, unwavering, faithful to the end.  It is something for which we should all strive.  In our quest to raise up young men who will be great husbands, fathers, and men who will impact the community for good, being steadfast is a character attribute that is essential to their calling.

Beat Holy Innocents!

“The horse is made ready for battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” Proverbs 21:31

Wholly for Christ,

Coach Gess

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